"What you heal in yourself you heal
for your entire family line."
My approach to fostering loving and healing relationships with the ancestors is anchored in a non-dogmatic, cross-cultural, animist framework accessible to people of all faiths and cultural practices.
Our primary mode for ancestral contact is light trance or visioning work in a relaxed state not so different from our daily awareness. We all have the capacity to reclaim our ability to relate in a direct and empowering way with our people.

Heal the significant trauma and burdens woven deeply into many human lineages today. This can include troubles caused by war, poverty, environmental devastation, racism, sexism, colonialism, and all forms of intolerance and violence toward the multiplicity and diversity of life’s expressions. In this healing process the brilliance and medicine of each lineage is revealed and anchored in its present expression.
Make connection with people of our blood and bone, those elder ancestors who are vibrantly well and eager to provide us with their support, love and guidance as we journey through our lives.
Learn to embody and regularly draw upon the blessings of our specifically beautiful ancestors in service to life and the Earth.